ESP Quick Tip #5: How Do I Edit My ESP Username & Password? - Actualités / ESP Quick Tips - ASI

mars 18 2021

ESP Quick Tip #5: How Do I Edit My ESP Username & Password?

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Updating your username and password can be done quickly and easily from within ESP. After logging into, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the user icon in the upper right-hand corner of ESP Web.
  2. Click on the Manage My Account option.
  3. To edit your username, type the updates in the Username box. Click on the Edit button to change your password. Passwords must be between 8 to 64 characters long and contain a combination of letters and numbers. The supported special characters are listed and you will be alerted if an unsupported character is entered.
  4. When you are finished updating information, scroll down and click on the Save button.
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