The Availability Tab - Base de conocimiento / I am a Supplier/Decorator / ESP Updates - ASI

The Availability Tab

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In the Availability tab, you are able to establish relationships between product attributes.

When you are adding attributes (sizes, colors, materials, etc) for a product, each attribute is added to the overall information for the product. However, in some cases, not all products are available for every combination of attributes.

For example, if you are a supplier of T-Shirts, and have three different attribute combinations (natural up to 4XL, color shirts up to XL, and colors 2XL-4XL), if you cannot offer the color shirts up to XL, you can turn off that product attribute combinations availability.

To make an attribute combination not available for ordering, click the Availability tab.

In the Availability section, use the dropdowns to select the related values. For example, in the T-Shirt scenario; select “Color” as the first value and “Size” as the related value. Now, for each color/size combination that is not available for ordering, such as: Blue in 2XL, 3XL and 4XL, uncheck the "Available" checkbox for each combination.

You can use the Filter results section on the far right to view only the selected values for the selected attributes. For example, to only view the color T-Shirts, uncheck white and natural. To only view the extended sizes (2XL, 3XL and 4XL), uncheck XS, S, M, L and XL. Now, you are only viewing the combinations for the color shirts in the extended sizes.

After adding or editing the information, click on the Save button.

If you are completely finished managing the product information and are ready to make it live; click on the Make Active button.

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