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ESP Online FAQs

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Is there a way to change my password and user information for ESP Online?

Yes, after logging into ESP Online, click on Edit and select Preferences. In the Preferences area, click into the User Info tab and then click on the Edit User Info button. The User Management System page will open with all of your information. Update your information and click on the Save button. If you need to change your password, click on the Change Password link in the upper right corner of the page. Enter your old password and then type your new password twice. Click on Save when you are finished. Close the page to return to ESP Online.

Is there a way to arrange the products in a certain order, i.e. price?

ESP Online enables you to sort products by the Supplier ASI number, list price (low to high or high to low), net cost (low to high or high to low), profitability, category, supplier rating, special or product number. To sort product results, use the Sort By dropdown in the Summary or Tile view. There is also a sort by dropdown on the Advanced Search page.

How do I hide net cost and supplier information in ESP Online?

Net cost and supplier information can be disabled in ESP Online by clicking on Edit and selecting Preferences. Click on the View tab. Check No in the Show Supplier Information area and use the checkbox to also hide the ASI # and Linename. Then, check No in the Show Net Cost information area. You can also hide the Price Codes by checking the box next to the No option. Click on OK when you are finished.

There are also keyboard shortcuts available to perform these actions:

  • ALT + 5: Will hide Supplier information
  • ALT + 4: Will hide net cost information
  • ALT + 6: Will display coded product numbers in place of supplier provided product numbers.

Is there an easy way to view and compare my items?

Yes, after completing a search, mark the items you would like to view and then click on the Compare button. The Compare feature can be printed or saved as a PDF and emailed via the toolbar.

Can I change the logo in the Print feature to my own company logo and add my contact information?

Yes, to change the logo and add a custom heading to your printouts from ESP Online, click on Edit and select Preferences. Click into the Print tab. Under Custom Heading, you can add any contact or company information you wish to display at the top of the pages you print. To change you logo, click on the Select button to the right of Custom Logo and browse to your company logo. Your logo must be in a .jpg or .bmp format and have a max size of 200 pixels x 200 pixels. Once the image is uploaded, click OK.

Can I create a presentation that I can easily edit and send to my clients?

Yes, you can create a Centerstage presentation and sent product information to your clients.

Can I change the logo in the Centerstage feature to my own company logo and add my contact information?

Yes, you are able to upload a company logo for your Centerstage presentations.

How do I install ESP Online onto a different PC?

For detailed instructions on how to download ESP Online, please refer to the Install ESP Online article.

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