Rating a Supplier from ESP Online - Knowledgebase / ESP Online - ASI

Rating a Supplier from ESP Online

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Rating suppliers is important because it provides feedback to distributors whom have not yet worked with a vendor. You are able to rate a supplier from either the product or supplier search areas, though the overall process is the same.

Rating from the Product Search

After locating a product, go to the Product Detail view. The supplier rating icon is located in the upper right hand corner of the screen. Click on the stars.

A smaller window will open, displaying the overall supplier performance rating and distributor comments. Below the ratings overview, the "Click HERE to rate this supplier" link will open the supplier rating form.

Rating from the Supplier Search

After locating a specific supplier, go to the Supplier Detail view. You will see the supplier rating on the right side of the screen. The "Click HERE to rate this supplier" link will open the supplier rating form.

How to Rate a Supplier

The ratings scale is a numeric score and star rating (up to 5 stars) that is calculated on performance in the following areas:

  • Overall Satisfaction: General level of satisfaction with the transaction in question
  • Product Quality: Relative to your expectations based upon price, catalog or electronic images or samples.
  • Communication: Promptness and accuracy related to questioning, invoices, and order status updates.
  • Delivery:  Were published or agreed upon shipping schedules met? Was packaging adequate? (Do not consider delays)
  • Imprinting/Personalization: Quality relative to your expectations based upon imprint method, product, catalog or electronic images or samples.
  • Problem Resolution: Satisfaction related to concerns raised during the transaction in question (if applicable)
  • Comments box: comments deemed inappropriate will be suppressed. Suppliers may review and respond to any comments prior to publication.

Just click into the radio button for the rating you would like to give 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest). Comments are optional.

By just using the numbers, you will remain anonymous. However, if you choose to type comments, then your information will be given to the supplier so that they can write an accurate response.

After seven business days, whether the supplier has responded or not, your comments will be posted in ESP.

For more information please review the Supplier Performance Ratings Overview article.

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